Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Feeling Pregnant?

Tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for. Finally "proof of life". When I called to make the appointment 5 weeks ago I was surprised that the doctor didn't want to see me right away, I wanted to see her right a way. So we wait, and wait, and wait. I'm sure it is common, but I need proof that there is really a baby in there.

Feeling Pregnant... What does that even mean? Some women are so sick that they can't function. I've just been tired, all the time. Counting down the minutes until I can put on my pajamas and crawl into bed, and counting down the minutes until I absolutely have to get out of bed to make it to work on time. I've had a little bit of yucky feelings in my stomach, but almost no nausea. I feel bad for my other friends that cant keep anything down and are almost confined to their beds.

There must be something in the water. Keith and I counted 13 couples that we know that are pregnant right now. At least our baby will have a lot of friends their own age.

We are both excited to start telling everyone that we are pregnant. We will both start calling our extended families this week and making it "public knowledge". I will be telling my boss soon, I'm nervous for that. But it will be a relief to finally be able to say, "I'm just not feeling well today". It has been fun to tell our parents and siblings, and it seems that with each person we tell it feels more real that we are really going to be parents.

65 days down /215 days to go

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