Monday, December 14, 2009

Week by week pictures

 October 6th, 2009
17 Weeks and 6 Days
October 21st, 2009
19 Weeks 6 Days

October 28th, 2009 20 Weeks 6 Days

November 9th, 2009
22 Weeks 4 Days

November 17th, 2009
23 Weeks 5 Days

December 8th, 2009
26 Weeks 5 days

January 6th, 2010
30 Weeks 6 days
January 22nd, 2010
33 Weeks 1 day
January 28th, 2010
34 Weeks 0 days
 February 16th, 2010
36 Weeks 5 Days
March 1st, 2010
38 Weeks 4 Days

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

23 week survey

How far along: 23 weeks, 120 days and counting!

Total weight gain/loss: 15lbs total
Maternity clothes: Yes, my shirts are getting too short

Stretch marks: Not yet. :)

Sleep: Finally enjoying my snoogle pillow, though it feels like a huge divider down the middle of the bed.

Best moment last week: Kate gave me a bunch of baby stuff when we went to visit

Movement: The baby is kicking like crazy!  I swear I can feel it with my hand. Keith hasn't been able to feel it yet.

Food cravings: Grilled cheese sandwiched are the best. Fizzy drinks, I miss my soda addiction.

Gender: Boy!

Labor Signs: None, thank goodness.

Belly Button in or out: In, but a bit shallower

What I miss: coffee

What I am looking forward to: Keith being able to feel the Baby move.

Milestones: Lots of movement.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We are Having a Boy!

Hi everyone,

Exciting news. Keith and I are having a boy.


Now that we know, everything seems a lot m

ore real. Up to this point I had an anonymous tenant living in my belly, now we get to dream up names and a life for him.

The U/S technician said he is about 11oz. All of the organ systems are functioning normally. We saw a couple neat pictures of his hands and arms as well.

Here are some of the pictures from the ultrasound. With a lot of imagination you might be able to see what is in each picture. I still cant really identify anything but the spine and the profile of his face.
A top down view

Can you see the teeth and eyes?

A profile view


There is the grainy profile.

And Gender, IDK. A boy?!?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Boy or Girl?

Today is the day for the ultrasound. I am so excited to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. We will try to take a video of the ultrasound, but there will be pictures for sure. I have definitely been feeling the baby move around a lot more lately. It is exciting to actually feel the life that is inside of me.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

20 week survey

How far along: 20 weeks! 1/2 way there!

Total weight gain/loss: Up 8lbs total

Maternity clothes: Yes. So comfy, but my new pants wont stay up.

Stretch marks: Not yet.

Sleep: Still tired most of the time, my bed is my very favorite place right now.

Best moment last week: Feeling the baby move when I sneeze.

Movement: Like a little buzzing in my stomach.

Food cravings: Still fruit all the time. Raw almonds are also great right now.

Gender: We haven't found out yet

Labor Signs: Huh? Way to soon

Belly Button in or out: In

What I miss: Sushi

What I am looking forward to: The ultrasound on Friday Boy or Girl what do you think?

Milestones: Half way there.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Gate

First of all, I really dislike the gate. I do understand putting a gate on your property. But it is not my property, or my gate. The people who are enforcing the law of the gate are not inconvenienced by it multiple times every day because they live on the other "non-gated" side.

I have been told that I need to document everything that happened yesterday, so this is the best place I can think of that the information will not get lost. I will write a history of the problem later, but for now here are the events that happened yesterday.

I came home from soccer practice and got to the driveway about 5:30. Keith was in the neighbors house and Chris (the Grandson who lives at the house on the corner) invited me in because they were having a conversation about putting an automatic gate opener. However, I never heard a word mentioned about the gate opener at all. Chris's dad Dave (who lives somewhere south in Mount Lake Terrace I think), was telling Keith the history of the property when I got inside. He told us about Goldie (the Grandma who actually lives at the house on the corner) and her brother who disagreed about the property and how Goldie's family took them to court to get what they deserved and take control of the road.

He talked about how he (dave) dug a trench through the driveway with out telling Marko and was shocked when marko was upset that they couldn't drive their cars down the road.

He told us that there was a dog on the property (13 years ago) that would run in the field where they kept their cows. They don't keep cows anymore, he said because the dog was a nuisance. I think it is because Goldie is in her late 90's and lived alone until last spring. How is a 96 year old woman supposed to keep livestock?

Dave then told us that we can not let our dogs run off leash on our property and he would shoot them if he ever saw then up by the gate. At that we were pretty shocked. The dogs NEVER come that far down the driveway. They stay on the porch or on the lawn, other than to chase a coyote. My ears were ringing that he had just made a threat like that.

Dave then told us about how the road had encroached onto their property over the last 60 years and he wants that all back. I will just put in a reminder that we are only house sitting on this property, we have been staying in the house since December of 2008, the Jukanoviches have owned the property for 13 years, and Dave's uncle owner it the 47 years prior to that.

The whole conversation kept jumping decades and complaints. I couldn't keep track of what he was talking about because we were not involved in any of the problems that he was citing.

He then told us that "If he ever saw our dogs on his property he would shoot them". This was different than the first threat that if he saw the dogs at the gate he would shoot them. Our properties share a lot of property line. In my mind I could see he him unprovoked sitting on the road with his rifle waiting for any opportunity. Annie is our family, not just a pet. I don't know if this guy could possibly understand that he just told me he was going to murder my family member. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

I did call the police to document the incident they gave me a number (SO 09-205573).

Again, nothing about the gate opener was ever mentioned.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Keith had back surgery

Were back from the hospital now, and Keith is in bed resting.

His surgery went well, the doctors were able to perform the planned surgery without complication. Keith has said that the major pain down his leg is gone, but occasionally he gets a shooting pain that resonated down there. This was to be expected. The doctors were concerned about an adjacent nerve that controls the strength in your foot, it appears that everything is fine there.

Now Keith is sore at the incision site which will take about a month to go away. He is limited to light duty for the next 3 months however.

It has been a long few days and I am glad that we are home now.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Swimming baby

Keith and I went to the doctor on Wednesday for our first visit. After waiting for what seemed like forever for the office to find my file we were ushered into the exam room. The Doctors assistant came in and we were able to have an ultrasound. Right away she started clicking on the screen and saying hum... (It is never reassuring when a doctor says hum.)

She asked how far along I thought I was and I told her 9 1/2 weeks. She laughed a little bit and said, well you are 13 1/2 weeks. Her excitement was pretty obvious, I guess most peoples first ultrasound is nothing more than a blob on a screen. We could actually wee a silhouette of the baby's face and we could see its spine. At one point we could see the little heart beating and we could definitely hear it. It was so cool to be able to see it swimming around a lot. I almost asked her if that was really inside of me (of course it is) because I cant feel anything at all. It is awesome!
Pretty exciting. My due date is Mid-March now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Feeling Pregnant?

Tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for. Finally "proof of life". When I called to make the appointment 5 weeks ago I was surprised that the doctor didn't want to see me right away, I wanted to see her right a way. So we wait, and wait, and wait. I'm sure it is common, but I need proof that there is really a baby in there.

Feeling Pregnant... What does that even mean? Some women are so sick that they can't function. I've just been tired, all the time. Counting down the minutes until I can put on my pajamas and crawl into bed, and counting down the minutes until I absolutely have to get out of bed to make it to work on time. I've had a little bit of yucky feelings in my stomach, but almost no nausea. I feel bad for my other friends that cant keep anything down and are almost confined to their beds.

There must be something in the water. Keith and I counted 13 couples that we know that are pregnant right now. At least our baby will have a lot of friends their own age.

We are both excited to start telling everyone that we are pregnant. We will both start calling our extended families this week and making it "public knowledge". I will be telling my boss soon, I'm nervous for that. But it will be a relief to finally be able to say, "I'm just not feeling well today". It has been fun to tell our parents and siblings, and it seems that with each person we tell it feels more real that we are really going to be parents.

65 days down /215 days to go

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Can you believe it...

We're Pregnant!!!

Keith and I spent our 5th wedding anniversary on Winthrop, WA. We stayed at the fancy Sun Mountain Lodge and ate at the four diamond restaraunt there. We caught quite a few fish on the Twisp river. Everything was incredible.

We got back into Arlington on Saturday night and decided to check out a new church, we really liked. After church and lunch we went home and I took a pregnancy test.

Two little stripes and just like that we're pregnant. Keith just smiled and gave a little nervous laugh. I could tell his mind was reeling though.

After 5 years of answering the Question "When are you going to have kids?" with a simple "we're not in any rush, maybe in a couple years". We have had some great conversations about starting a family and how that will change our lives. We are so excited.

The process of telling family has started, we are planning on making an announcement to everyone sometime shortly after we get to see the doctor for the first time. The office scheduled me for our first appointment in the second week of September.

So far I've been feeling really good. Eating is strange, it seems like I am trying everything for the first time. Taking small bites just to see if I really like it. Even if Arby's or brats sounded really good, when the food is actually going into my mouth it might not be the same story. No nausea yet, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've been extremely tired though. Work has been pretty tough. No one in the office knows and I feel like I need a nap around 10:30 and 3:00 every day.

That's it for now, although by the time anyone know that this blog exists there will hopefully ne a few more posts. i just wanted to get the memories down on paper before they fade. Talk to you all soon,

Monday, August 17, 2009

Danskin Triathlon 2009

In February I called my friend Erin and begged her to do the Danskin triathlon with me. It didn't take much arm twisting, but she agreed to train and do it with me. So now I was on the hook to complete it. I had a few injuries throughout the summer and after a couple months of reluctant training, I completed the Danskin 2009 Triathlon.

The day before the race it is required that you pick up your timing chip, swim cap, and goodies from the race sponsors. Erin and I arrived at the Expo center promptly at 10:00, along with 80% of the race participants. The line was longer than any I've seen, including disneyland. Thankfully it moved relatively quickly and we were able to make our way all the way around the block within 1:30 minutes. We then waited in lines up the stairs and around the corner to the packet pickup area. A quick ID check and we were almost free to to. Downstairs we "got to" draw our race number in permanent pen on both arms and our age on the back of our calf. I'm not sure of the reasoning behind the age, other that it makes the older women smile when they pass people. We picked up our free t-shirts (yet another line) and then listened to the inspirational speaker talk about how great it is to see all these women participating in sports...
On the the bike drop off. We drove down to Genesee Park in south seattle and secured our bikes. We walked around the HUGE transition area and got a feel for what it would be like the day of the race; then headed back to her parents house to watch a movie and get some rest before the early morning race. The Pre-pre-race lasted 7 hours!

The alarm went off at 5:05. We were going to leave the house at 5:30 and Erin's husband Ben agreed to drive us to park the car and save us a 45 minute shuttle shuffle. We arrived at the Race area at 6:15. The nerves were already setting in. Before we knew it they were asking everyone to leave the transition area and head down to the water so that when the elite races came out of the water they would have an empty transition area to navigate. We walked down to the water in time to hear the national anthem and see the first wave o "Elite" racers take to the water. 6:45, only 76 minutes until it was our turn. 38 waves of 100 swimmers. over 5500 women were participating the event, some on relay teams. There were a lot of people milling around. We had enough time on the shore that we saw the "Elite's" finish their bike ride and start on their run before we even went over to the swim warm-up area. I'm sure that the first racers were finished with their race before our race had even begun.

The Swim:
Erin and I waded into the water and got a feel for it. Only 3 minutes until it was our turn. The butterflies were definitely there. I reminded Erin that she could use the lifeguards on their surfboards and the kayaks to rest if she needed them and that she would be just fine. The goal was just to survive the swim, and the bike and run would take care of themselves. The MC started to count down from ten and I set my watch so that I could keep track of my time during the race. And we were off, 100 women all with flailing arms and legs. The water became choppy very fast. Water that looked smooth was anything but that when I would bring my face up to take a breath there would be water that would splash into my mouth, the trick was just to keep it out of my throat. I was expecting that the swim would be my strongest discipline in the race. In my training I had enjoyed swimming the most, so I had done a lot of swimming in the lakes near our house this summer. I made it to the first buoy, and turned the first corner. The pack had thinned out a little bit and I saw a few caps from the wave in front of us so I was gaining on the previous wave. now it was time to find a rhythm. A few strokes to breast stroke to position myself and I got into somewhat of a grove, passing a few people here and there and trying to keep other peoples feet and hands out of my face. Soon I had made it to the second buoy and I looked at my watch 9:30, why was I swimming so fast, I was going to burn out my lungs before I got to shore. I made a conscious decision to slow it down and pace myself into the finish. The third leg was the longest and hardest. With the finish in sight everyone was trying to push through and didn't seem to care it I was in their way, they would swim over the top of me if that is what it took. I reached the finish of the swim in 19:00, and started the 400m barefoot run up to where my bike was racked.

The Bike:
The bike ride was a nice way to catch my breath and get my legs underneath me. We rode north along Lake Washington up a short steep hill and onto the I-90 Express lanes. Down the hill and across the water. Probably the only flat area in Seattle is riding across the water on the bridge. I wasn't feeling strong by any means, but I was passing some people and other were passing me. At this point the competitive person inside me was wavering and becoming more about surviving than about winning and being competitive. I geared down and took it easy on my legs even though that meant that I was riding slower. I reached the turn around point and felt really good, riding harder on the way back was easier. My overall pace for the bike ride was 15.5 MPH. Maybe it is due to lack of oxygen, but most of the bike ride was a blur. The hills seemed a little harder and longer than I had remembered. I finished the bike ride in about 45 minutes.

The Run:
I was dreading the run, I didn't feel like I had trained enough. Even the though of running right now is making my stomach turn. On the bike if you get tired or winded, you can simply slow down and you are still moving. Not the case when it come to running. My lungs burned the entire 3.1 miles, my legs felt weak. I stopped and walked for 25 yards or so ever time there was an opportunity for water, at the beginning mile 1 and mile 2. The run couse was pretty flat with one large hill at mile 2.5. Mostly an out and back course. I was "running" in some sense of the word, but the only people I was passing were walking, and some of the people passing me looked as if they were barely running. My competitive nature was wanting to run harder and push through, but every time I would speed up at all my lungs would get smaller and my legs would get heavy again, so I jogged all the way up the hill and into the finish chute. Tons of people standing around all looking for the one person that they came to watch. As I stepped across the finish line as the clock read 3:07:00 meaning i finished 3 hours after the first "elite" wave started their swim. 1:51:00 after I had begun.

A little bit later Erin came running in and had a somewhat smile on her face. The whole experience was fun. Every time I race I remember why I do this. Fitness is fun, but going beyond your capabilities, and pushing myself into places that are uncomfortable are what makes me grow as a person. I find my strength in places of my mind that I never knew existed.

There was a quote on the back of the shirts of a large triathlon team that was there, "the miracle is not that I finished, the miracle is that I began".