My friend Alison has inspired me to be writing more on my blog.
It is amazing that 6 weeks could have gone by so fast.
Nolan is growing so fast. Here are some of our experiences so far.
Keith's family came during Nolan's first week. Everyone enjoyed holding him a lot. I just tried roll with all of the hormonal changes that happen in the first week. I'm sure it seemed like I was being reclusive while they were here, but I was just soaking it all in. Loving being a mommy.
We gave Nolan his first bath at home. Videotaped the whole thing. This one might be better if left on mute. He screamed through the whole thing. I was following the guide for water temperature, in my book it was not nearly warm enough.
My parents came the next weekend. It was cool to see The Dzia (read: polish grandpa) wanting to hold the baby all of the time. He can sure put him to sleep. I was feeling a lot more active and we were even able to go out for dinner.
I threw my back out, really bad. Couldn't even walk for a few days. I was laid up flat on my back. In the morning I would be able to pick up Nolan, but after a couple of diaper changes and getting the boy dressed, I would have shooting pains all up and down my back.
My mom returned a week later to help me with things around the house since I was so limited with my movements.
Young Life had a great banquet. We raised over $7,000 for Young Life and over $3,000 for camp scholarships.
I am putting the finishing touches on our Fun Run (June 5th) It is the biggest fundraiser we do for camp scholarships.
We are learning a lot about being parents. What each cry means based on the sound and what time it is (when he was last fed/changed/played with). Each Ayea-ayea he makes when we give him a binky to stop the crying is fun.
Just this past week he has started smiling. We will get a big toothless grin when we smile at him, especially in the morning.
6 weeks ago Nolan weighed only 8'15oz now he weighs 12'2oz. That is huge. I have some 3-6 month gerber onesies for him that are already being stretched to their limits. I cant believe it, and I really don't want to put him into 6 month clothes when he is only 6 weeks old. Somebody screwed up in the sizing department. Why can't they just label all of the clothes by weight? That seems to make a lot more sense.
I did get organized and I bought bins for his different size clothes. I even returned some of the clothes Erin had loaned me because I couldn't get his dresser drawers closed. It felt so good to get "organized". I was even able to set aside some extras that I am going to send with Alison to Ethiopia for the orphanage that they are adopting their son from.
Baby Gear: I love my Bob Stroller. It is HUGE to pack around, but it rolls so smoothly. I know that it will be great for running when I am finally able to run again.